University of Florence is leading organization of IO1: Comparative Studies on ECEC Systems and Hub&Spoke Model Guidelines. IO1’s objective is to analyse the situation of children exclusion and the quality of ECEC systems at European, national and local level. The IO1 study will include a comparative analysis explaining the different ECEC systems at national level and it will focus on a benchmarking about the qualitative indicators in the local contexts of involved partner countries.

IO1 started in October 2019 and it will end in December 2020. The first action carried out involved the construction of a comparative grid for the redaction of country reports. The country report’s objective is to compare ECEC systems. For the construction of the grid, reference was made to international literature and in particular to the Eurydice Report 2019 “Key data on Early Childhood Education and Care in Europe” (…/key-data-early-childhood…).

In these months, even during Covid-9 Pandemia, all partner organisations are working on this IO. Fist of all, University of Florence has prepared, illustrated and shared a methodological

With the coordination of University of Florence’s team, they have prepared reports connected with the national context of the ECEC systems. The comparative categories were: Governance, Access, Staff, Educational guidelines, Evaluation and monitoring.

The next step will be realised a qualitative survey in each partner Country. These surveys will be addressed to 4 educators belonging to 4 good practices services (0-3 and/or 3-6 and /or 0-6 years old), 2 at a local level, 2 at National level in each partner Country. The scope is to collect qualitative feedbacks regarding the ECEC systems in accordance with the already defined comparative categories: Governance, Access, Staff, Educational guidelines, Evaluation and monitoring.

Stay tuned and safe!

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