The Covid-19 situation doesn’t stop the activities of FRIENDESK!
On 4th and 5th of June 2020, all partners’ organisations attended a virtual meeting coordinated by FISM and University of Florence. This virtual meeting replaced the second Transnational Project Meeting in Romania, that unfortunately, because of Countries lockdowns, could not take place.
The first day was dedicated to share the state-of-the-art of IO1: Comparative Studies on ECEC Systems and Hub&Spoke Model Guidelines. The University of Florence staff illustrated the first deliverable, namely the Methodological Framework and Countries Reports from Italy, Spain, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria. These documents have been discussed, shared and validated by all partners.
The discussion is continued focusing on the qualitative surveys to realise in each partner Country. The staff of University of Florence explained well how to plan and collect these surveys. They have to be addressed to 4 educators belonging to 4 good practices services (0-3 and/or 3-6 and /or 0-6 years old), 2 at a local level, 2 at National level in each partner Country. The scope is to collect qualitative feedbacks regarding the ECEC systems in accordance with the Countries Reports in order to have both quantitative and qualitative data for modelling the final Hub&Spoke Model Guidelines.
The second day was dedicated first of all to communication activity. FISM presented the new logo of the project and the first structure of the official website, while Europanet illustrated the common guidelines and the calendar of communication activities, both offline and online.
Secondly, FISM underlined some financial and administrative aspects, responding to requests for clarification by the partners.
The meeting finished with a common discussion with all partners in order to share the future actions and deadlines.
Stay tuned and safe!